Performing Identity

There is no right or wrong

There is no bad or good

There is no should or have to

Only Love

Only Love

It is our relationships that matter the most in life — 

Our relationships with others and the world begins with our relationship with our Selves 

How are You relating to You?

Beyond expectations 

Beyond assumptions

Beyond labels 

Beyond judgements

of Who and How you are to Be

Locate Your Self in the Cosmology of Things

There lies your Truth —


This message above dropped in this morning as I received some beautiful loving support and processing from two of my dearest friends in the midst of waking up w a major vulnerability hangover, having pushed into some of my own edges and heart-protections around a subject that has been historically challenging for me. 

Reaching out and being willing to resource and receive this support is a grounding reminder of the words above … and how our own concepts of our identity play into what we believe we are worthy of experiencing in this life.

And it’s another beautiful reminder from the Universe to continue to do my work so I may share and teach what I know from an embodied place that also includes space for my own, messy humanness as well. 

Practicing being human. Learning to let go of any sort of performing of identity allows a softening to emerge. A connection to what is truly You to Just Be. No thing to do, no other thing or “Who else” to “have to” be.

Love is not a performance. You are not an identity to shape-shift and contort just to “get love.” Love is who you are, unconditionally — without shoulds, have tos, or any other judgement.