Your Desire Is A Sacred Knowing

“Is that what you really want?”

I heard myself say this out loud and clear in my sleep, effectively waking myself up for the remainder of pre-alarm hours and minutes, 3:03am to 4:40am.

For two weeks I’ve been strongly hearing and heading the call of Saturn retrograde: re-evaluating commitments and self-imposed structures. Seeking to create pockets of liberation to invite open flow and soul-guided synchronicity.

As a multi-passionate Manifesting Generator with a lot of varied interests and 7 of 9 defined energy centers in my human design body graph, I have a shit ton of energy. I often find myself sprinting in 12 different directions simultaneously, responding to numerous numinous calls to invest my energy and time. And I love it. Until I don’t.

I’m feeling this most in dating and in my work right now….

Venus having just left Cancer o join Mars in Leo (where my natal Mercury resides) is calling for me to further question the performance of my own desire.

Not every invitation merits a Yes.

Not every Yes requires a full investment of Self.

This Time We Are In continues to be one about reclaiming self-sovereignty through aligning your Action with the Truth of Your Own Heart.

And seeing how Your Unique Truth is an important part of the Universal Undoing and Becoming of something new; one Fractal in the Collective character of the Whole

Be willing to Honor your Highest Expression of Yes

Invest your Self-Leadership with Discernment and the Self-Love of Ease and Grace

Pause. Feel. Listen.

Your Desire is a Sacred Knowing

Trust. Allow.