I Am Forgiven And Loved No Matter What

When we awaken to the reality of our lives and are ready to take ownership for our part in continuing a behavior, a belief, a way of being that is not in alignment with the truth of who we are and the life we desire to lead, there can be an experience of immense pain —

Grief for the lost days, months, years living inside a lie, a box, a prison seemingly of our own making

Guilt for the pain we unconsciously (or consciously) caused others and ourselves

Shame for not knowing or doing better, or knowing better and not quite being able to do better

Resentment for the way we let ourselves be treated, how we weren’t able to stand up and in our power & communicate our feelings and needs

Regret for the love, the opportunities, the connections available that we weren’t yet willing or able to accept & receive that which was being offered to us

For whomever needs to hear this now,
You Are Forgiven
You Are Loved
No Matter What

No matter what you did or didn’t do or say or feel or accept or whatever

In the crossroads of a transition, into letting go of the past to make space for the new, Forgiveness and Love are the Medicine on the Bridge between Past and Future Self identities

🕊With the compassion you’d show a crying child, a wounded dog, a hurting friend, say this prayer, cast this spell aloud with a hand on your heart, three times (for the Past / Present / and Future):

I Am Forgiven and Loved No Matter What

I Am Forgiven and Loved No Matter What

I Am Forgiven and Loved No Matter What

I Am Willing Now to Receive All that is Intended For Me

And so it is

Sharing this here for those who are also feeling this right now

I am here too, with you, on this spiralic journey of liberation and ever-evolving expansion into our highest expression of Self, living from love, truth, peace, adventure, beauty, and joy

If you feel called for support through a transition, a death phase, a rebirth, reach out. I’ll be soon announcing upcoming 1:1 coaching and healing sessions

With Love and Honor on this New Moon in Cancer