RETURN TO EXPAND Yoga Nidra & Soul-level Healing


RETURN TO EXPAND Yoga Nidra & Soul-level Healing



“Return to Expand” is a 22 minute channeled, reiki infused Yoga Nidra practice designed to balance all of the chakras, activate receptivity through the heart chakra, and raise your energetic frequency to support your expansion and alignment with the true Destiny of your Soul.

The channeled mantra for this practice is: IN MY EXPANSION IS MY DESTINY

With Expansion, comes Contraction. We can learn how to work with these fluctuations so that our ups and downs and ins and outs are less painful, and more easily digested. This Yoga Nidra practice can be accessed and listened to at any time to recalibrate the frequency of the Mind and return to energetic alignment with the Soul.

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“Return to Expand” is a 22 minute channeled, reiki infused Yoga Nidra practice designed to balance all of the chakras, raise your energetic frequency to support your expansion and alignment with the true Destiny of your Soul.

The channeled mantra for this practice is: IN MY EXPANSION IS MY DESTINY

With Expansion, comes Contraction. We can learn how to work with these fluctuations so that our ups and downs and ins and outs are less painful, and more easily digested. This Yoga Nidra practice can be accessed and listened to at any time to recalibrate the frequency of the Mind and return to energetic alignment with the Soul.

Channeled and created during the energy of the New Moon in Sagittarius, 12/6/18


Yoga Nidra, derived from an ancient Tantra yoga practice, is a simple and efficient way to deeply relax while remaining conscious to reduce anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It is a kind of mediation performed lying down in savasana and is suitable for all ages and abilities. During the practice, we sink into the parasympathetic nervous system and enter the hypnogogic state, the state between being awake and being asleep. When we stay in this place for 15-20 minutes it is the equivalent of 4 hours of sleep.

The Yoga Nidra process is a voice-guided meditation that includes a body focusing exercise that creates a circuit of energy in the motor cortext to relax the brain, some breath and sound awareness practices, and some visualization activities.

1. Improve focus, clarity, creativity, and productivity
2. Deeply relax to reduce physical, psychological, and emotional tension
3. "Weed the garden" by release stored memories and traumas from your subconscious
4. Recover from injury, surgery, jet lag, or too many late nights